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PROC*ESS (noun): 

PROC*ESS (verb):


Many of us haven't had the opportunity to fully process all that has happened on personal, local, and international levels while living through a life-altering global pandemic. In the hopes of creating space for collective healing, The Process Project is putting out a call to share your pandemic stories and artwork. 


You do not have to consider yourself a seasoned writer or artist to share. Your submission can be a snapshot from a specific day/moment in time or an overview of your experience. Your story can come in any form that speaks to you. It can be something you made during the height of the pandemic or something new, inspired by this project.


Some examples might include a list, a poem, a short fiction or non-fiction piece, a personal essay, a eulogy for someone you lost or for a piece of yourself that’s been lost, a photo essay, a short film/video, a painting, a collage, a song/album. Your submission can be abstract, funny, heartfelt, heavy, matter-of-fact, sad, etc. 


Please share far + wide!


1. What is YOUR Process? Open call for "Processing the Pandemic," Writing + Visual Art Submissions.


2. Submissions can be sent in any artistic format you like as long as they can be shared online

(e.g., no site-specific performances that haven't been previously recorded). The world is your oyster!


3. Try to keep your written submission to 1500 words or less.

I will not be holding anyone to this exact word count. My hope is that this suggestion will provide a creative challenge to help you get to the meat of your story in a concise way (if your piece is long-form). If you cannot hit this parameter, don't let it stop you from sharing!


4. You are welcome to share anonymously if you prefer. 


5. If you live within the greater Seattle area, I would like to schedule a time to take your portrait. If you do not live nearby or prefer to remain anonymous, you can choose to send a photo that you feel is most relevant to your process piece including a portrait, graphic, object/talisman, or location; or you can allow The Process Project to choose an accompanying image for you. 


6. Email your submission to

Subject Line: "My Process + First Name"

Please include the following with your email:

 a). Short bio 

 b). Instagram handle (if applicable)

 c). Submit all images in JPEG/PNG format

 d). Submit videos in mp4 or as Vimeo/YouTube links  


You will receive a follow-up message letting you know if your piece has been selected. Written pieces and images will be shared regularly on the website + Substack, and when it makes sense, an abbreviated version on Instagram. Be sure to note whether you prefer to share anonymously so that we leave out any identifying markers. 



Let me know how I can help you tell your story. I am happy to review, edit, and share feedback.

Email with any questions. 

“But the conquest of the physical world is not man’s only duty. He is also enjoined to conquer the great wilderness of himself. The precise role of the artist, then, is to illuminate that darkness, blaze roads through that vast forest, so that we will not, in all our doing, lose sight of its purpose, which is, after all, to make the world a more human dwelling place.”

                                  James Baldwin

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